What's wrong with this picture?
click here to see the banner in question
Whoever wrote this code:
a. spent more time with water colors than in an actual programming class.
b. actually intended this code block to always be true
c. setting goto to...
ok forget this shit... there are too many things wrong with this... I mean, 'goto' should really be a function instead of dice.com and even if it was just a variable, dice.com would get executed but then return what to 'goto'? The blocks are not indented properly.
And 'else suck.it.up;' ?? wtf? This is a namespace or a regular variable?
Oh, and now that we're done jacking this simple code up, let's put an 'end' in there... just in case these "tech" people we're trying to attract know we're speaking their language... because they know what 'end' means... except that this is fucked up too because there is no semicolon after it to execute this line.
Yeah, I want to go to dice to look for a "tech" job.
Whoever wrote this code:
a. spent more time with water colors than in an actual programming class.
b. actually intended this code block to always be true
c. setting goto to...
ok forget this shit... there are too many things wrong with this... I mean, 'goto' should really be a function instead of dice.com and even if it was just a variable, dice.com would get executed but then return what to 'goto'? The blocks are not indented properly.
And 'else suck.it.up;' ?? wtf? This is a namespace or a regular variable?
Oh, and now that we're done jacking this simple code up, let's put an 'end' in there... just in case these "tech" people we're trying to attract know we're speaking their language... because they know what 'end' means... except that this is fucked up too because there is no semicolon after it to execute this line.
Yeah, I want to go to dice to look for a "tech" job.